Give clean water to a needy village in South Asia and share Christ’s love with them.

Jesus Wells are giving people in Asia clean water and rescuing people from disease, poverty and death. Not only that, but people who are typically overlooked by society are discovering the love of Christ, and new fellowships are being started.

You can improve lives by giving towards a Jesus Well.

  • Rescue dying children from waterborne diseases.
  • Release women from the burden of collecting water for hours each day.
  • Improve people’s health, enabling their children to go to school.
  • Demonstrate the love of Christ to entire villages that don’t know Him.

Because Jesus Wells are often installed near a church, pastors are able to show Christ’s compassion and service, and people know he is someone they can go to when they need prayer, help or have questions about knowing Christ more intimately.

More than 150 million people in South Asia only have polluted water sources or no water at all to drink—and they are suffering because of it. Giving toward a Jesus Well is one of the most efficient ways to provide clean water and good health to an entire village in Asia for years.

  • Up to 300 people draw water daily from one Jesus Well.
  • Jesus Wells are drilled up to 600 feet deep, providing pure water even in the worst droughts.
  • Jesus Wells are durable and last approximately 20 years.
  • Local labor and materials are used to drill the wells, which keep the costs low, often even 7 times lower than wells installed by other organizations.

It takes $1400 for an entire village to be saved from waterborne diseases and have clean water for years. Lives are being changed through Jesus Wells, and people longing for hope are finding Christ.

One child dies every 90 seconds due to waterborne disease, and many of their families don’t know Christ cares for them and their needs. You can help save people’s lives and show them Christ’s love.

Give toward a Jesus Well to improve lives and share Christ

You can supply clean water for an entire village for $1400, but any amount will help.


I love the fact that, for as little as $1400, a well for an entire community can be provided, and that people know it is given in the name of Jesus, and that [God's love] is being spread! It's exciting to be a part of that!” —Mary Ellen, OR

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