Choose Your Behind-the-Scenes Missionary

GFA’s missionaries serving in behind-the-scenes administrative roles function as a key connection between ministry supporters in the West and on-the-ground national workers in Asia.

By partnering with a behind-the-scenes missionary, you will be part of upholding their vital support of the mission field. Together, you will enable countless lives in Asia to be touched by the truth and kindness of God’s grace.

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Nathan and Jenny

Where we're from: New York

Where I serve: Information Technology

Nathan and Jenny both grew up in families focused on ministry—Nathan's family ministered in Brooklyn, NY, and Jenny's family served with GFA in Texas. This strong focus significantly shaped their lives, and they both grew up desiring to serve the Lord in missions. Nathan began volunteering with GFA in 2013, …

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Tony and Kelly

Where we're from: Utah

Where I serve: Ministry Partnerships

Our hearts desire is to reach those who don't know Christ and be a part of the Great Commission. After reading "Revolution in World Missions" we couldn't ignore the fact that over a billion people are still waiting to hear the Good News. We had to do something about it. …

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Where I'm from: Texas

Where I serve: Development

Time is short. Over 3.1 billion people have never even heard the name of Jesus. I serve with GFA World because God, in His mercy, gave me a heart to go into full time ministry and led me here. It’s awesome getting to use whatever passions and skills He gives …

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Where I'm from: Texas

Where I serve: Donor Relations

Thirty-eight years ago, I prayed for a man named KP Yohannan and his wife, Gisela. At a 1990's AGLOW conference, I learned of a Prayer initiative targeting where 97% of 3 billion Gospel-unreached people live. It was there where I first saw a woman totally shrouded in a Burka. Right …

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Where I'm from: Pennsylvania

Where I serve: Development

I grew up hearing about GFA through their books and videos. In 2012 I started doing volunteer work at the office off and on over the course of the next few years. During this time, I began to feel the Lord calling me to be doing this more long-term. So, …

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Where I'm from: Ohio

Where I serve: Visual Media

I was born in India and adopted at 6 months of age. I have always had a heart for missions, I just didn't know how God would use that in my life. So I began to pursue my own plans to work with international adoption agencies. Little did I know …

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