Curiosity Piqued
Rivka lived with her husband, Benaiah, and their baby daughter on the tea estate where they worked. As daily laborers, Rivka plucked leaves, and Benaiah drove a tractor and transported items for the estate. It was hard work with meager earnings.
Rivka’s life was full of struggles and strife. Her family had no savings and only enough money for each day. Rivka relieved some of their financial burden by planting vegetables, which she then sold to bring in a little extra income. But they continued to struggle financially, due in part to Benaiah’s alcohol addiction as he squandered money on drinking. When he drank, Benaiah often grew ill-tempered, scolding and hitting others. His drinking frequently led to fighting in the couple’s home.
In the midst of their struggles, GFA pastor Elan visited Rivka and Benaiah’s village to minister. While traveling on his motorcycle, Pastor Elan saw Rivka and offered her a piece of Gospel literature. Curious, Rivka took it home with her. The words stirred her heart and piqued her curiosity. She longed to learn more. The pamphlet listed a church location, but the journey was difficult, and she didn’t have the time or transportation to travel there. Rivka was saddened at the seeming impossibility—what could she do?
Good Brought from Sickness

Fortunately, the next week, Pastor Elan returned to their village and visited the couple’s house. Finally, Rivka could learn more about Jesus. During his visit, Pastor Elan prayed for Benaiah, who was suffering from a fever and cough, and told the couple about Jesus’ love and healing power.
Two days after the pastor’s visit, Benaiah was healed! Benaiah then promised Rivka that he would take her to the church. When the day came, they paid for an auto rickshaw and went to the church with great expectations. During the service, Rivka chose to trust in Jesus.
Rivka and Benaiah began attending the church whenever possible. Pastor Elan also began conducting a weekly prayer meeting in their house, and four neighbors soon joined them for these meetings.
God continued to work in the couple’s lives. As he saw the changes in his wife, Benaiah also chose to trust in Jesus! Following Jesus has completely changed Benaiah’s life; he no longer drinks alcohol and now lives peaceably with those around him.
“I thank God for His grace and mercy on me and my family,” Rivka said. “Even though we are poor and live in a small house with fewer things, I am happy for the peace and joy that the Lord Jesus gave to me. … I am so joyful for my husband, whose behavior has changed, and [who has] stopped drinking alcohol. Now we are able to take care of our little daughter together.”
Before, Rivka’s life was full of troubles, both financial and personal. But because Pastor Elan introduced them to the love of Jesus, God has transformed this family. Now Rivka and her family know the peace and joy that are found only in Christ.