Initial Opposition
Like most people in the village, Kai and Eira followed the traditional religion. They presented a challenge for their new neighbor’s ministry, opposing him and stirring up trouble whenever they could. They and Pastor Iwan were neighbors, yet they refused to talk to him. If he spoke to them, they would spread rumors about him.
Kai and Eira were also facing their own challenges. Their youngest son, Glin, enjoyed drinking rice beer and on four separate occasions had sold one of the family’s pigs without permission. One day, Glin got into an argument with his brothers that almost resulted in the house burning down. During the fight, he threatened to kill his older brother. Before the conflict grew more heated, neighbors intervened and prevented any further damage or injury.
But neither the incident nor the neighbors’ intervention did anything to curb Glin’s destructive behavior. He continued to live as he desired and refused to take advice.
Kai and Eira worried very much for their family, especially their youngest son. Would he ever change? Would they ever experience peace?
A Pastor’s Love

One day, as Glin went door-to-door to sell pork, he stopped by Pastor Iwan’s house. The pastor knew the family, and he recognized Glin. He knew of the trouble Glin’s family had caused him and of the incident with his brothers that nearly ended in disaster. Still, Pastor Iwan treated Glin kindly, giving him lunch and counseling him to stop fighting and drinking alcohol.
Glin listened to the pastor and admitted to his failings. Despite his family’s dislike for Pastor Iwan, Glin continued to visit with him. This fellowship and friendship offered by the GFA pastor impacted Glin’s life for the better. Gradually, his behavior improved, and his parents couldn’t help but notice. They eventually discovered that he had been visiting the pastor. Although not pleased to see his friendship with a man they despised, they were desperate to see their son change.
A few months later, with Pastor Iwan’s guidance, Glin broke his addiction to alcohol. He now lives peacefully with his brothers and parents, and his transformation has impacted his entire family. Kai and Eira have embraced Christ’s love and are attending church. With Pastor Iwan’s faithful service despite difficulties, Kai and Eira’s family has found hope and been transformed by Christ’s love.