For four years, he remained bedridden, unable to walk. Eventually, one side of his body became paralyzed. What could be done? Would Shmuel be trapped in his home for the rest of his life?
New Hope and Healing
Shmuel and his parents became very discouraged. Their once-healthy son was now stuck in his bed.
Amidst this seemingly hopeless situation, a group of men from the nearby GFA church came to the family’s home. They had heard about Shmuel and shared with him about Jesus’ love and healing power. Shmuel and his parents were amazed and gladdened by what they heard, and Shmuel decided to trust in Jesus.
The believers prayed continually for Shmuel’s healing until, finally, he was able to get up from his bed and walk with the help of a stick! This miracle solidified young Shmuel’s faith. “If I live, I live for the Lord,” Shmuel said, “and if I die, I die for the Lord.”
The Love of the Church

Shmuel grew up, continuing in his faith and attending the church. Although he still walked with the help of a stick, he was able to cook and do his daily work. That didn’t mean everything was easy, though. One day, a Women’s Fellowship team led by Sister Meilani visited Shmuel’s house. Upon seeing his living conditions—a small bamboo and straw room that couldn’t protect him during heavy rains—Sister Meilani’s heart stirred with compassion. The Women’s Fellowship leader then shared with church leadership her desire to provide a new house for Shmuel.
The following Christmas season, the Women’s Fellowship provided the funds to build Shmuel a new house. The one-room house is made of tin sheets and bamboo. The new home filled Shmuel with joy.
“Thank you for your love and care towards me,” Shmuel said. “I am happy to live in this new house. My old hut was not safe during the heavy rain. Now I am safe during monsoon season. Moreover, my things are safe when I am out of the home.”
More than two decades ago, Shmuel found himself in a seemingly hopeless situation. But God, through His Church, brought hope to the young Shmuel. Now an adult, Shmuel has seen God’s goodness again through the provision and protection of a new home.