2024 Special Report

Dear Friend,

Forty-five years ago, God started GFA World ministry on an incredible journey that made it possible for national missionaries and caring ministry partners like you to share the Good News with millions in Africa and Asia who have never heard it before. Together, we have seen thousands of lives changed, churches established and communities transformed through the love of Christ

With this special anniversary report, I want to invite you to join us in celebrating God’s faithfulness, just like king David exhorts us to do in Psalm 103:2: “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.” May the Lord fill your heart with joy and praise to Him as you read how your partnership with our national missionaries has resulted in amazing and abundant eternal fruit.

In the following pages, you will meet Pastor Jair, whose story exemplifies how community transformation takes place wherever the Lord allows us to do ministry. It’s always the result of one or several national missionaries faithfully sharing the Good News and, despite opposition and suffering, pouring out their lives for the people they came to serve.

With all my heart I want to thank you for your faithful prayers and partnership.

Let us look with faith and excitement to the future and resolve together to continue to do our utmost to make the name of Jesus known to those who are waiting to hear about the Savior.

May the Lord bless you as you read this exciting report.

Yours on behalf of a world that needs to know God’s love,


GFA World 2024 Special Report


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