eBay for Charity

Help the needy with things you no longer need.

You can bless needy people in Asia by selling items on eBay! Just choose Gospel for Asia to receive a percentage of the proceeds from your sale.

  • Listings that benefit charity typically sell faster and at a higher final selling price than those that don't
  • When your item sells, eBay credits back to you the same percentage of the seller fees that is going to GFA.
  • All donations through eBay are tax deductible.

Here's how:

  1. After logging into eBay, click on the "Sell" link at the top.
  2. Describe the item you're selling and click on "Get Started". This takes you to a "Create your listing" page.
  3. Enter information and pictures of the items your selling.
  4. In the "Selling Details" section, you'll find the "Make a Donation" section. If you haven't already listed Gospel for Asia as one of your favorite charities, click "Or, select another nonprofit you love".
  5. Search for Gospel for Asia and select us as your nonprofit organization.
  6. Choose a percentage, from 10% - 100%, of the final sale price to donate. (NOTE: there's a minimum donation of $5 if your item sells.)
  7. Review and accept the eBay for Charity Terms and Conditions. (You'll only have to do this once.)
  8. In the "Item Description " section, we recommend that you include a statement like this: "______ percent of the proceeds from this item's sale will be donated to Gospel for Asia. To find out more about this ministry, go to www.gfa.org."
  9. Complete the "Create Your Listing" form and submit your listing.

Now you're all set! It's that easy!

When your item sells, your listing fees will be refunded at the same percentage you have selected to donate. Fees for extra listing features are not refunded.

PayPal Giving Fund will process your donation, send it to GFA and send you the receipt for it. The administrative expenses for PayPal Giving Fund vary according to the sale price of the item, up to a maximum of 20 percent of the donation amount.

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