Welcome to GFA’s international headquarters and our U.S. campus! Whether you are a family member of someone here, interested in coming yourself, or simply curious about life at GFA, we hope you enjoy seeing a glimpse of life at GFA World.
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The staff and School of Discipleship students you’ll meet come from diverse backgrounds, representing many different states, denominations and walks of life. But one thing unites us: a passion for the Lord and for the unreached. As we labor side by side and walk through life together, the sense of community is rich.

You’re likely to see children gliding by on their scooters, young moms pushing strollers, School of Discipleship students walking together, young people playing musical instruments or even Brother K.P. riding his bike. If it’s springtime, there’s a good chance you’ll see some folks doing yard work or enjoying a chat on their porch.

Any given day is full of activity! In the office, most mornings start with the staff gathering for a time of prayer. As staff and students disperse to their respective departments, there is a sense of purpose, realizing the Lord will use our endeavors to impact eternity. Family members commonly choose to help out in whatever capacity they are able, so you might see some moms or youth volunteering for an afternoon.

Outside of office work, GFA staff participate in many other events: prayer meetings, campus work parties, evangelism opportunities, impromptu basketball games or soccer matches, and times of fellowship.
The first of GFA’s 10 core values is “Knowing the Lord Jesus more fully and intimately,” and that truly is highly emphasized. Staff and students are exhorted to spend time in God’s Word and in prayer and to keep the Lord at the heart of all we do.
We have a prayer room for anyone who would like to spend time in prayer during the work day. In there you'll find several helpful resources as well as an area to share prayer needs.

Our library has a wide variety of books and recordings—ranging from teachings from different church leaders and Christian classics to missionary biographies and books about godly leadership.
Some of our staff favorites include books by A. W. Tozer, C.S. Lewis, Andrew Murray, Roy Hession, Francis Chan, Chuck Smith and Zac Poonen.
The tasks in the office vary widely, from roles like web development and video editing, to processing gifts or working with Bridge of Hope and national missionary profiles. Every role is important to the goal of sharing the love of Christ with those who’ve never heard.
The work we do is important, but what’s most important is our relationship with the Lord. Resources are available so each person may take ownership of their walk with Christ. We are also encouraged to spend time in prayer throughout the work day.

Passing through the halls of the ministry, you may see staff and students encouraging one another, sharing their hearts and even taking a moment to pray for one another.
Students, staff and leaders alike rotate through cleaning the bathrooms and weekly cleaning around the office, as well as helping with campus-wide work parties.
There are numerous churches nearby, representing a wide range of denominations. Our staff and students come from diverse backgrounds, so each individual or family is encouraged to find a place of worship that is the best fit for them and their season of life. Each one is free to connect and participate however the Lord leads them.

We are thankful for the strong relationships already developing with several congregations in our new community. We look forward to strengthening those ties as some staff serve on worship teams, engage in small groups and connect with the Body of Christ.
Throughout the years, many godly pastors and teachers from around the U.S. have come and teach us from the Word of God. Their insight and wisdom strengthen the staff and students and leave us enriched and blessed. These guests have included faithful servants of God like George Verwer, Pastor Chuck Smith, Elizabeth Elliott, Pastor Jerrett Stephens, Dr. Stuart Briscoe, Pastor David Platt and many more.

School of Discipleship graduations have featured memorable exhortations from such individuals as Gayle Erwin, Jill Briscoe and Emmanuel Zwayne.
GFA began as a result of a Tuesday night prayer meeting in Brother K.P.’s living room more than 35 years ago. Since then, Tuesday night prayer has remained an integral part of the ministry around the world. These weekly prayer meetings are a time for the whole staff family—wives and children included—to seek the Lord and intercede for the unreached.
Guests are always welcome, whether from the local community or even GFA supporters who are visiting. In fact, if you plan a visit, we recommend you try to include a Tuesday night, so you can share in this special time.

You might notice that a number of the women are wearing head coverings. There is freedom for them to choose that, based on 1 Corinthians 11, but there is no requirement. This is a personal choice, and we believe that decision is between each individual and the Lord.
Each prayer meeting begins with a time of worship and a short devotional shared by one of the staff members. We’ll then have numerous short segments featuring different needs for prayer, both for the mission field and needs here at home.
If you haven’t done so already, you can join us virtually for our next live-streamed prayer meeting on the first Friday of every month.
Since moving to our new headquarters in August 2014, on-site housing is provided for students and for staff who choose to live on campus.
Living in a neighborhood full of other believers is a rich experience. It provides a safe environment for children and fosters a sense of support for the moms at home. Fellowship is readily accessible, and young and old alike enjoy meals in one another’s homes, cook-outs and friendship.

GFA World has always enjoyed a strong sense of family. Kids who grow up here are in the habit of calling the adults “uncle” and “auntie,” and even Brother K.P. and his wife are “Uncle K.P. and Auntie Gisela” to the children. Just as we have joined together in our labor for the Lord, we find ourselves “doing life” together too. The kindred fellowship we enjoy is an outflow of that.
GFA kids have a special place in the ministry. At any age, staff children can engage in reaching the unreached alongside their parents, through participating in prayer meetings, volunteering in the office and even helping alongside grownups during campus work parties. We have seen God working through their prayers, and their simple faith is an encouragement to the staff.
Some kids go to private schools, while others are homeschooled. Parents are free to choose whatever method of education is best for each of their children.
Living in an environment surrounded by godly men and women can propel GFA staff children in their faith. As they observe an eternal mindset tangibly lived out in the lives of the staff around them, God often uses it to shape their lives. Many have continued to serve the Lord in full-time ministry at GFA World or are serving Him in various ways across the country.
All the GFA kids are beloved and prayed for by many. The children on campus know they can stop by “Grandma Betty’s” house for a hug and a cookie any day!
While they may not be serving within the office, moms at home are as much a part of the ministry as their spouse. They are part of the team.
Some moms choose to be in the office part-time while their kids are in school. Others stay at home raising their little ones. Some homeschool, some swap child care with other moms, and some bring their children in to help in the office too. There is liberty for each family to find what works best for them.
In each case, their role is a special one, and we are grateful for them. As it is for all of our staff, the GFA community offers an infrastructure to help with whatever needs may come up. That may be in the form of taking meals to those who are sick, helping weed a garden, or picking some groceries up. Our moms provide a special, practical way of love that blesses and strengthens all the staff.
No, there are real-life struggles. But as we face those challenges, we stand beside other godly men and women who have faced them, too, and are ready to walk with us through it all. Some face chronic health problems. Others face the loneliness of having left their homes to serve the Lord. As 2 Timothy reminds us, we are all soldiers engaged in warfare. With that comes heartache and challenges, and our staff does experience that.
We are each at different points of our walk with the Lord, but we do not have to battle alone. For those facing trials, there is a strong community willing to love on and support them during their time in need. We commonly see people praying for one another in the hallways; in times of emergency, leaders quickly respond for prayer, even heading to the hospital in the middle of the night; and we all lift one another up in prayer and serve one another in love.
GFA Life
Through ministry, fellowship, service, prayer and daily life, we simply desire to know Him and to make Him known.
GFA in the Community
Since relocating to our new campus in Wills Point, Texas, in August 2014, GFA has been warmly received by the community. As we’ve made this new area our home, we have enjoyed getting to know the local believers and getting plugged in with the congregations in the area.
We’ve already enjoyed many fellowship opportunities as we engage with the community around us. See for yourself what life is like out here on the “Texas Prairie”!
It is a privilege to live here and serve our brothers and sisters on the mission field as they reach out to the millions who still wait to hear of Christ's love. As we partner with the Body of Christ, we are grateful for the tens of thousands who have linked their lives with us around the world.
If you ever find yourself in the Dallas area, we would love to have you drop by!