February 4, 2021
Bringing Hope to the Red Zone
No one in. No one out. Nadea’s village had been declared part of a “red zone,” a hotspot for the coronavirus that was sweeping the region and in need of containment. Her government was working hard to protect its citizens amid a complex pandemic, and preventative measures included such restrictions.

Nadea’s mother, Ferrah, worked as a maid to provide for her family. Now she couldn’t leave her home. She and many of their neighbors, also daily laborers, lost their jobs after their home village became a containment zone. They were left with no way to provide for their families. And, as travel to the area was strictly prohibited, they had little hope of help from the outside.
With families facing starvation, the government relaxed restrictions to allow helping hands inside Nadea’s village. But who would help? Who would dare risk contamination to render aid?
Help and Hope Arrive
Then Nadea and Ferrah heard GFA workers from five local Bridge of Hope centers were organizing food distributions within the “red zone.” They came wearing masks and maintaining social distance, but they came. With the support of government officials, they came. They came bearing hope in the form of more than 400 food kits, each containing essentials such as rice, beans, lentils, oil, chickpeas, spices and tea powder.
The items filled recipients’ hearts with joy.
“My mother lost her job, and since then we are struggling to meet our needs,” Nadea said. “I am thankful to the Church and [Bridge of Hope] for helping us.”

Right: Boy in a “red zone” receives much-needed relief items from GFA worker Jaivon.
Bana, a food-kit recipient, was amazed at the display of compassion shown by these dedicated servants.
“I have heard so much about the Christians, that they help others, but today I have seen that with my own eyes,” Bana said. “I am so grateful for the work which you are doing.”
Sinjin, who lives in the same region as Nadea and her mother, spent all his savings during the lockdown, leaving him with no money to buy food. The kit he received from Bridge of Hope would allow him to feed his family.
“I have no words to express my gratitude,” Sinjin said.