November 12, 2021
Church Distributes 260 Fresh Meals
In one area of Asia, a GFA congregation was busily providing fresh meals and daily essentials to the needy in surrounding communities. Under the guidance of Bishop Samuel Mor Theophilus and GFA pastor Josiah, this church distributed meals to approximately 260 people in 13 villages within a month’s span.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has immensely affected the lives of common people, especially the daily wage laborlaborers, single mothers and waste pickers,” said a GFA field report. “They struggle to get work and earn some amount to take care of the family.”
Believers have responded with compassionate aid, sharing the tangible love of Christ. With each distribution, team members sought out the people in most need, the downtrodden and outcasts. They also prayed for people and encouraged them from God’s Word.
“Jesus loves you, and He cares for you,” one group assured food recipients.
The team considered it a great blessing to be able to extend help to the underprivileged in this time of crisis. The recipients were overjoyed to receive essential provisions they have been unable to obtain otherwise.

Macaria is a blind widow who survives by begging. With silent streets, her only source of income was cut off.
“I was really very hungry, and the team from the church came at the right time and gave me the food packet,” Macaria said. “I am truly grateful to them for their help.”
In other villages, the congregation’s relief distribution included migrant workers and poor people from a Gypsy community, who thanked believers for their love and care toward them. They had been waiting for someone to come help them in their time of need. One recipient, Nadja, was only 6 years old.
“I am from the Gypsy community, and my parents send me and my brother for begging every day,” said Nadja. “I was outside today, and some good people came and gave me the food. I am very happy to get food for me and my brother.”

Kalin, another food recipient, is a daily wage laborer who has been unable to work during the lockdown.
“I have been going out in search of work for three days but have been returning home disappointed with no work,” Kalin said. “I am really struggling to provide for my family. I am glad that the leaders from the church reached out to me and gave me the food packets. I am truly thankful to them.”
In compassionately meeting practical needs, this local body has been a shining beacon of hope to the community, following Christ’s example in feeding the hungry multitudes and sharing His love to those in need.