Sponsor Nathan and Susanna

My GFA Story

When we think of the tragedy of thousands of people dying without hearing the name of Jesus or His love, we can't imagine doing anything except serving at GFA to help them. Millions of people in Asia live in poverty; widows and orphans, with no hope of creating a better life for themselves or their families. A sea of people who have never heard about God's love for them. When Jesus saw the crowds, who were like sheep without a shepherd, he had great compassion for them. We feel honored to support missionaries who making an extraordinary difference on the mission field. Thousands of people are hearing the Gospel for the first time! They experience God's love though GFA's clean water programs, literacy ministry, and many other outreaches. We are exciting to be at GFA World.

What I do

Nathan joined GFA in 2004 and has served in many departments and leadership roles. He now serves with GFA's Accounting Team. Accounting helps GFA fulfill its mission by stewarding finances given unto God with integrity and excellence. Susanna joined GFA in 2008 and worked in GFA's Donor Services Department, processing ministry donations for eight years. She helped lead GFA's worship ministry for about six years. After our daughter, Elizabeth, was born June 2015, Susanna began a new job at home, full-time mama. She has worked from home on various projects for President's Office and continues to help with worship for Prayer Meetings.

More About Nathan and Susanna

Where we're from


Where I Serve


Favorite Bible verse

Nathan - Romans 10:15, Susanna - Psalm 46:1-5

Favorite Field Ministry

Compassion Services: Slums, leprosy, medical and disaster relief

Hobbies and Interests

In Nathan’s spare time he enjoys reading and listening to audio books, swimming or going to the gym for exercise and drone photography. He also grew up hunting/fishing with his dad, and occasionally still enjoys that opportunity and enjoys being outdoors. Susanna enjoys playing guitar/ piano, Jiu-jitsu and weight lifting. As a family we enjoy weekends at the park and community pool.

About Partnering with Behind-the-Scenes Missionaries

You can help provide for a member of the Mission Support Team for as little as $50 per month. For each monthly pledge to GFA World’s Behind-the-Scenes Missionary Fund, you will receive a packet that includes the photo and personal information of a behind-the-scenes missionary you can pray for and contact. (To pledge more than $50 monthly, please call us at 1-800-946-2742.)

Whatever role the team member plays in their administrative office—from contacting ministry supporters to processing donations or designing web pages—each one fills a crucial need within the ministry and enables more than 100 national missionaries to minster in Asia.

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