Choose Your Behind-the-Scenes Missionary

GFA’s missionaries serving in behind-the-scenes administrative roles function as a key connection between ministry supporters in the West and on-the-ground national workers in Asia.

By partnering with a behind-the-scenes missionary, you will be part of upholding their vital support of the mission field. Together, you will enable countless lives in Asia to be touched by the truth and kindness of God’s grace.

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Jonathan and Erica

Where we're from: Arkansas

Where I serve: Information Technology

In August of 2014, after months of study and prayer leading us toward serving at GFA, God grabbed our hearts with Romans 10:14-15: “How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will …

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Jeff and Paula

Where we're from: New Mexico

Where I serve: Donor Operations

My wife Paula and I have been serving with Gospel for Asia since 2001. Before and after we were married we had been actively involved with our church. In the late 1990's God placed more and more of a burden on our hearts for those who have never heard the …

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