GFA’s missionaries serving in behind-the-scenes administrative roles function as a key connection between ministry supporters in the West and on-the-ground national workers in Asia.
By partnering with a behind-the-scenes missionary, you will be part of upholding their vital support of the mission field. Together, you will enable countless lives in Asia to be touched by the truth and kindness of God’s grace.
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Where we're from: Pennsylvania
Where I serve: Communications
In 2006, the Lord began to burden Andy’s heart for the people in Asia. By the end of that year, he began to serve with GFA as a volunteer in Pennsylvania. He also began praying about serving on staff with GFA. Years later, God answered Andy’s prayer and called him …
Where I'm from: Texas
Where I serve: Development
Time is short. Over 3.1 billion people have never even heard the name of Jesus. I serve with GFA World because God, in His mercy, gave me a heart to go into full time ministry and led me here. It’s awesome getting to use whatever passions and skills He gives …
Where I'm from: Ohio
Where I serve: Visual Media
I was born in India and adopted at 6 months of age. I have always had a heart for missions, I just didn't know how God would use that in my life. So I began to pursue my own plans to work with international adoption agencies. Little did I know …
Where we're from: Washington
Where I serve: Communications
Our family has been involved with Gospel for Asia for over 18 years through the support of National Workers, GFA Bridge of Hope children and Behind the Scenes misionaries. We never thought the Lord would one day call us to serve at the Home Office ourselves. In 2009, God initiated …
Where I'm from:
Where I serve: IT
Since my youth, God, in His patience and mercy, has been drawing me toward Himself: His life, His heart, His values. Beyond saving my soul through Jesus Christ, He has impressed on me the enormous love and desire He has to save not just me but also every person living …
Where I'm from: Maryland
Where I serve: Staff Services
I spent two years in GFA's discipleship program. It was during that time that I truly surrendered my life to Christ and asked "Lord, what do you want me to do with my life?" I realized the dreams I had for my life were mostly self-centered. The Lord opened my …