
They're on a Never-ending Road Trip

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These six young men make up a GFA World mobile team in Andhra Pradesh, India. Their ministry involves much sacrifice, but the results are worth it.
They travel and visit GFA pastors for a week at a time. The team helps expand the pastor's ministry through open-air meetings, film shows and evangelism in surrounding areas, which they can reach easily with their vehicle.
The team stays with a local pastor, usually in his simple church building. Thin mats and blankets are usually all the pastor can offer for them to sleep on. But it is a haven for the young men.
The team members get up before the sun at 5 a.m. Their day will be full and exhausting, but full of hope that someone will hear their message and receive Christ.
Shaking the sleep from their bodies, they gather for prayer before the day starts. Their ministry is dependent upon prayer.
There are few comforts for mobile team members. At this church, a Jesus Well provides water for the men to brush their teeth and wash up for the day, as well as wash clothes later.
Their morning is full, driving from village to village, handing out tracts, preaching and inviting people to a film show to be held later in the evening.
Back in the church by 1 p.m. for lunch, the team first prays for the people they met during the morning's outreach.
A brief afternoon nap is one of the few times the men have for themselves.
Soon they are back to work, setting up equipment for the evening's film show.
The three-hour movie on the life of Jesus Christ will be, for many villagers, the first time they have heard His name.
Even at the end of a long day, the men spend time praying for people in the crowd who share needs and want to know more about Jesus. The local pastor will follow up with these people after the team has moved on.
At 11 p.m., the team carefully packs up all the equipment and heads back to the church. It will be midnight before they can go to sleep. But the motivation of winning souls will wake them up again at 5 a.m., ready to go.
date posted 02/13/08