What can a piece of paper do to change lives? Sometimes, a lot. For people who have never heard about Jesus, a simple Gospel tract can introduce them to the Creator of the universe—the God who loves them—and open the door to eternal life. This month, we are praying for God to transform lives through 100 million Gospel tracts. Join us in asking Him to move mightily through Gospel literature!
We want to be able to share the hope of Christ with anyone who needs it. In African and Asian countries where GFA serves, hundreds of languages are spoken. Sometimes the same tract can be printed in various languages; other times, specific tracts minister to a specific language group most effectively.
Please ask the Holy Spirit to direct leaders to know which languages to print which tracts in. Pray also that God will provide reliable, quality printing outlets for Gospel literature.
Passionate about sharing the Good News, both GFA missionaries and believers in their congregations often carry Gospel literature to offer to others.
Pray the Holy Spirit will fill them, empower them and direct them as they carry a message of hope wherever they go, and ask Him to prepare the hearts of those who will receive the tracts.
Many times, a tract lands in someone’s path just in the nick of time, when they lie fallen at rock bottom—sometimes even as they contemplate taking their own life. The message of hope found in Christ can literally save lives.
Pray God will lead our believers and missionaries to share Gospel literature with the right people at the right times. Pray He will open people’s eyes to the eternal hope of the Good News.
After reading a tract, people often become curious about Christianity. Many decide to visit the local church or contact the local pastor to learn more.
Join us in asking God to fill many hearts with a desire to know Him more. Pray people who receive tracts will take the next step in their faith journey and find answers to the questions in their soul.
After people read the Good News in a piece of literature and take next steps to learn more, many find new life in Christ and will share what God has done with their families and neighbors.
Pray people who receive Gospel literature will share the hope they find with others. Ask God to bring lasting peace and transformation to families and communities.
Join with us as we lift up in prayer those in need around the world. Receive prayer requests with a special focus each month. You can have a part in ministering to those in need, through our most powerful tool, prayer.