Faithfully they serve, carrying the burden of hungry souls waiting to hear about the hope that is found only in Jesus. It is no easy journey. Following Christ comes with a high price and telling others about His love may cause opposition and pain. Rejection, beatings and excommunication from families and villages is normal for Christians in many countries.
“Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” (Hebrews 11:3NIV).
Let us join together as the Body of Christ and pray in faith as God comforts their hearts!
As brothers and sisters face the hurt and pain of rejection, let us pray they have a true sense of hope. Some may even be beaten or excommunicated from their families. As missionaries, pastors and believers face the harshness of life around them, pray they cling to the true hope they have in Christ.
Let us join together and pray the Lord would surround our brothers and sisters with His protecting hand and lift them up in the joy of His strength.
Can you imagine if you were faced with the option of death or life for the name of Christ? While this is rare, our brothers and sisters must often choose between Jesus and their families or between Jesus and their employment. Christians around the world can lose their jobs, homes and reputation when they choose to follow Christ.
Pray that the Lord would give increased strength and faith to our brothers and sisters facing these difficult choices; let us lift them up as they suffer for the sake of Christ. Ask God to fill them with courage in every circumstance as they choose the life of Christ!
Tracts crumpled on the ground. Church walls wreathed in flames. Bibles torn and ripped. Crosses broken in two. Sometimes the opposition our brothers and sisters around the world face is violent and cruel, hindering the work and the ministry Christians are called to.
As we remember the opposition Christians around the world face, let us pray the Lord will continue to advance His kingdom even when everything seems to be against it.
Many people who oppose Jesus don’t know who He is or that He loves them and desires that they have life in Him.
Pray for those who are persecuting Christians directly, that the testimony of our brothers and sisters will reach out to them and they will witness the unfailing love of Jesus. Pray our brothers and sisters will have a great sense of love for those who stand against them.
Many families have been separated as fathers, mothers, wives and husbands were thrown into prison or as even worse things happened. Some remaining family members may not know where to find them or if they are safe.
As you would cry out to God for your own family members in need, please pray the Lord will bring comfort to the hearts of the persecuted families. Pray they will be filled with God’s great peace during this time of separation.
Join with us as we lift up in prayer those in need around the world. Receive prayer requests with a special focus each month. You can have a part in ministering to those in need, through our most powerful tool, prayer.